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Throughout my life I have been on a quest for good friends. I discovered as a young girl that not all friends are good. Some people are good friends when they need you, but not when you need them.

As I become closer to God, He has put people in my life who are truly good friends. One instance is a man whom I have dated on and off for more than ten years.

God has worked in this man’s life to change him. Initially when I met him he was quite a drinker. I wouldn’t call him an alcoholic but he did like to drink. As I began to tell him about my relationship with God, he began to decrease his drinking. He then started reading the Bible every morning.

Then I started reading the Bible every day this year. I am on a journey to read through the entire Bible in the span of a year. It has made such a difference in my life! I truly treasure that time of meditation.

This man is one of my good friends.

He is also very generous. It is uncanny. I merely need to think to God that I may need something. I do not speak a word of my need to this man and he provides it for me. This has happened more than once. I have never had someone provide for me without even letting them know what I need.

This has become more prevalent since I decided to follow God’s will for my life to become a Christian author. It has been an immense blessing.

I have other friends.

Over the past few years I have become involved in some singles groups. I tried hard to fit into one of the groups but did not feel as if I belonged. Then I found another group that was a Christian group. This group and the lady that leads it has become a lifeline for me.

The other day I was feeling a bit anxious. I had not seen most of my friends for a bit of time and I missed them. My heart was weighing heavy and I got a phone call from the lady who leads the Christian singles group I am a part of. She invited me over for dinner.

She invited another male friend and a male friend that was staying with her for a few days made a delicious meal for all of us. Whenever I get together with this group I am amazed by the quality of men it attracts. They are all wonderful Christian men who respect the women in the group. This is why I feel comfortable attending the group functions even if I am dating someone outside of the group.

For more reading on my wonderful friends please click on the following link.

The best friends are God friends.

When I was a little girl I chose friends because I thought they needed me. One of my best friends in grade school was chosen on this basis. No one else liked her so I decided to become her friend. However, when the tide turned and no one liked me she abandoned me.

As I have grown into an adult I have realized that it is important to have friends who are well liked. More important than that is the connection they have to God. That way if I get a nudge from the Holy Spirit to call or text them I know that they need the contact. In the same way, when I am feeling alone and anxious the Holy Spirit can nudge them to invite me to dinner. It is a win-win.

What standards do you set for collecting friends?