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In my novel, The Shattered Vase, I slowly, but surely, started baiting the reader to buy my book in the first paragraph.

Suzie awoke with a horrible realization that nothing had changed. She felt uneasy for the last couple of years. When did this start? She couldn’t remember, but it was growing like a malignant cancer, consuming her thoughts and maybe, even… her heart.

When you write a novel, you can start with a bang or you can begin baiting the reader with a subtle nuance of the character’s demise.

Have you ever felt as if something was wrong but you couldn’t figure out how to fix it?

Have you ever wanted so bad for a relationship to work out but the other party was unwilling?

This is the dilemma that Suzie has found herself in, as her husband begins to distance himself from her.

When you read a novel, what captures your attention? Do you like a subtle lure or a big bang?

What is the best opening paragraph you have read in a novel?

Please fill out the contact form below and let me know what you think. In addition, please subscribe to this blog. It is free and I will cover blogging and writing a novel in this blog so you don’t want to be left out!

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