A novel worth reading!

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There are millions of books published. A large amount of them are amazing to read. Very few entertain and impart wisdom in one book. Yet, The Shattered Vase seems to do so effortlessly. It is a novel worth reading!

If you google The Shattered Vase by Gracie Lynne you will see how many different places you can purchase this novel from.

If you check on Amazon, you will see that it has a few reviews. All of them are five stars!

However, that is not enough for me. I want this novel to reach the ends of the earth.

So, I decided I would develop a website just for my novel!

My novel is not my only platform though. I have a very successful blog which you can read at https://singleparentssurvivalguide.com

We are going to have fun on this site! I guarantee it!

In addition to promoting my debut novel, I will be blogging on how to write a novel, tips on blogging and I may even give out a few free copies of The Shattered Vase in a contest!

Let me tell you why The Shattered Vase is a novel worth reading.

It is a story about a courageous young woman who is thrust into spiritual warfare. She faces one battle after another but always seems to be surrounded by people who lead her down the path of wisdom. As with any battle a warrior needs armor to defend and a weapon to offend. Learn how to fight the battle for life and win by reading The Shattered Vase!

“Because your fight has not been with flesh and blood, but with Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers of this dark world and with wicked spirits which are under Heaven.”(Ephesians 6:12)

You can buy The Shattered Vase by clicking on the following link – https://store.bookbaby.com/book/The-Shattered-Vase

Amazon is currently providing some avenues of discount. So please shop there if you need a lower price!https://www.amazon.com/Shattered-Vase-Battle-Life-Book-ebook/dp/B07KRNQ6NW

If you want other options click on the following link and you will have a plethora of options!https://www.google.com/search?q=the+shattered+vase+by+gracie+lynne&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS756US756&oq=The+shattered&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60l3j0j69i57.8956j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UT

In addition, I would love for you to fill out the contact information so that I can keep in touch!

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Thank you so much!

Here’s to a fantastic read!